Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Editor's Pick

yes last night i was on and i seen that i got another "editor's pick" on a photo i just uploaded on tuesday!

so here it is :D

the title for this is:Looking into the future


Danielle Flanders said...

Beautiful pic and blog header too! You have the sweetest lil boy! How is he doing on the binky? I still have to attempt to take Kati's away. Yucky! She is so attached to that thing. Well anyway, wishing you a Happy New Year!


Charity Hassel said...

what a gorgeous photo!

Norma Kennedy said...

Your photography is AMAZING ! Congrats on the pick !!!!


~Nancy~ said...

SUch a gorgeous picture Maria!! WOW!!!! Thank you so much for sharing and congrats on the pick! I'm so happy for you!

Kimberly said...

I can see why to sis...this is GORGEOUS!!!! This is an AMAZING shot! xoxo
Love you!