Thursday, December 13, 2007

been so busy

hey everyone well i have been busy and so stress all this week so many things going on

i told my self i had to take bryan Binky away from him so i starded. The first day he was crying and screaming all day :(and asking for the binky so the fist day was so hard and i was so tired.Then the next day he only ask for it 2 times but i do give it to him at night just to get him to sleep so he only gets it for like 5 minutes then he is fine :D so he is doing so well.

then last night me and bryan stay the night with dale's grandma because i didnt wanna stay alone in the apartment cuz Dale had to stay at the hospital they had to do some test on him all night :( so i didnt get any sleep at all so yea this has been a busy week i hope everything gets better soon just too stress i need to get some scrapbooking done ;)

so anyways i have been uploding photos to and i had not gotten any editors pick this month i was alredy thinking i suck lol but today to my surprise i look and they pick one of my photos that i enter yesterday

the title is Soft Boy

here is the photo

i soften this photo and then i added the porcelain tool :D

so yea here is the link if you wanna see that it got pick:D

well hope everyone is having a good week

love you all!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

this is what happend on sunday

for those of you who dont know what happend read this and for those of you who alredy know here is a photo i took yesterday when i went back to my mom's house

here is what happend

we went to my moms house and bryan was playing with my brothers in there room but then i think my brothers got bored and went in my moms room to watch TV but we didnt know that bryan was alone in there room we were there making plans for x-mas what we were going to do and that kind of things. so then my little brother came in the living room and said "look what bryan is doing"so my mom went in there i thought oh probly he made a mess with all the toys well no my mom came and got me and said bryan was playing with the IRON my brother daniel left it on the floor (bryan loves to plug things in) i went over there thinking omg is he ok he burnt little parts of the carpet but he was ok omg thank i told the kids next time you guys leave him alone tell us so we can watch him.i got so scared and my mom told daniel never to leave the iron on the we dont know what we are going to do about the carpet i mean its not bad but you can tell, my mom said it was ok.

here is the photo

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

its December

wow time really is going by fast its already December!

last week i wanted to take some x-mas photos of Bryan so i took my background out and got everything ready i put the Santa hat on and look what happen

yea he didn't like the hat too much lol he was crying so much then i was like please smile and he was getting really mad as you can tell on the last photo lol

but i was not about to give up HEHEHE so i took the hat again and i told him if he lets me take photos with the hat on i would give him M&Ms and if you know Bryan he will do anything for M&Ms hehehe so this is what happen

he is just too cute! and then he got his M&Ms :)

hope everyone is having a great week!

tomorrow i will try and update with photos of my brother that i took on saturday for snowball!