hey everyone well i have been busy and so stress all this week so many things going on
i told my self i had to take bryan Binky away from him so i starded. The first day he was crying and screaming all day :(and asking for the binky so the fist day was so hard and i was so tired.Then the next day he only ask for it 2 times but i do give it to him at night just to get him to sleep so he only gets it for like 5 minutes then he is fine :D so he is doing so well.
then last night me and bryan stay the night with dale's grandma because i didnt wanna stay alone in the apartment cuz Dale had to stay at the hospital they had to do some test on him all night :( so i didnt get any sleep at all so yea this has been a busy week i hope everything gets better soon just too stress i need to get some scrapbooking done ;)
so anyways i have been uploding photos to betterphoto.com and i had not gotten any editors pick this month i was alredy thinking i suck lol but today to my surprise i look and they pick one of my photos that i enter yesterday
the title is Soft Boy
here is the photo
i soften this photo and then i added the porcelain tool :D
so yea here is the link if you wanna see that it got pick:D
well hope everyone is having a good week
love you all!